So you’ve decided to try the meditation practice to prove its benefits: woke up early, put on comfortable clothes, sought a cozy place, and closed your eyes and… the neighbor’s car alarm went off, the kids started fighting, the dogs barking, someone turned the television on at a higher volume than the acceptable, a car sped down the street…

There is no concentration that may withstand a noisy environment! Regardless of their experience in meditation or the preparations made for it, all people have dealt or have to deal with noisy atmosphere during their practice. The good news is that there are several strategies and tricks to help to silence the noise – both external and internal.

Do you want to learn how to meditate properly even in noisy environments? Check out our tips:

Silencing the external noise

A quiet, with the right amount of lighting  (not too dark or too bright) and comfortable place may really facilitate the meditation practice, nevertheless it is not always possible to gather all these factors at the desired time. Often, meditation is necessary precisely because we find ourselves in a chaotic atmosphere.  Thus, how to silence the outside noise and meditate?

Using earplugs

Earplugs are easily found in specialized stores and are a good way to drown out external sounds. They are cheap and can be found in several models (both internal and external).

Listening to music

It is not always possible to use this technique; however listening to music at meditation time may really minimize external noise to focus on melody. The volume must not be too high, and the ideal is an instrumental music instead of a song which has lyrics, such as classical music or the sounds of nature, for instance.

Using white noise

White noise are static sounds used to block out ambient noise. They can be easily found on the internet or mobile applications, and are good meditation allies in noisy environments.

With guided meditation audios

Meditation practice beginners could greatly benefit from specific audios. Guided meditation can be found on the Internet or CDs, in which experienced meditators lead practitioners to a state of relaxation through their own voice.

Controlling the atmosphere

It is not always possible; however, it may possibly be interesting to program the meditation practice in times, when the external noise is better – before your family or friends awake or when everyone is asleep, for instance. Thus, to find quieter places may be a good strategy – a park near your home, the library or a church, for example.

Silencing the internal noise

Often, the greatest meditation enemy is the mind itself. Even when all the conditions are favorable, the thought insists to disperse and makes the meditation virtually impossible. To avoid this problem, you can:

  • Eat a lightly food (to avoid the feeling of hunger)
  • Drink water (to avoid the sensation of thirst)
  • Practice a light exercise, such as walking or yoga
  • Talk with a friend or family member
  • Take a shower
  • Listen to relaxing music
  • Read an excerpt from your bedside book

If all these strategies fail, accept the mind activity and stop fighting and resisting against the thoughts, it is the best way to achieve a state of inner peace. The resistance and the trial only make the meditation practice harder. To accept the present moment is a form of self-respect.

Do you know how to meditate properly? Get to know NAMU Courses.