An ancient Greek aphorism used to say: “Know thyself.” The importance of self-knowledge has been identified as essential for humanity since the arrival of the first philosophers. To date, knowing yourself better is considered important by experts worldwide.

Why look within yourself can be so surprising? It is what you will know in this post. Check it!

What is self-knowledge?

Self-knowledge is a kind of search for yourself, that is, the search for answers over your own inner and how you react to life. The main objective is to be able to make an able evolution to make you to recognize aspects that are necessary to transform yourself.

What are the benefits of self-knowledge?

Diving inside yourself is fundamental to developing and strengthening your self-esteem. Identifying your best qualities, facing your faults, fears, insecurities and limitations contribute to make daily decisions and overcome the difficulties of life.

Other benefits are recognizing all that makes you sick enough to damage your quality of life, to be the protagonist of your own life, free yourself from wrong beliefs and find the purer and truer essence of what you really are.

What are the attitudes and practices that contribute to know yourself better?

Learn to question

What helps a detective to find out the whereabouts of someone? He asks questions that lead to assumptions and conclusions. You will act as a detective who tries to find your own emotions. Ask yourself: What makes me happy? What is the best thing about me? And what is the worst? Where do I feel better? Am I working my talents and my weaknesses? What is my vision of the future?

Write a diary

Writing about the events of your life and how you react to them is a great exercise of self-knowledge. Pay attention to your own emotions, it contributes to reveal many important features regarding yourself, it helps you to know and understand the behavior of the closest people.

Observe your environment

It is important to understand the atmosphere you live: home, work and social space. For this reason, do an analysis of how each of these places influences your life, how they help or hinder. As a very dynamic person can suffer in a quiet atmosphere, someone who likes quiet places suffer from hectic atmospheres. Therefore, the ideal is to know more to understand such nuances.

Practice yoga

Yoga is an ancient practice of meditation exercises that help in the self-knowledge process. It is an activity capable to contribute to the pursuit of emotional balance and understanding of failures and behavioral changes aimed at the physical and mental well-being. To start practicing, you can seek for a professional assistance.

Self-knowledge is an indispensable resource for our autonomy as human beings. Have you realized that, when knowing yourself better, you might have a truer self sense and this may influence your relationships and your own life positively?

What you do or intend to do to know yourself better? Leave a comment!