Gluten is a protein consisting of the mixture of gliadin and glutenin. It can be found in foods such as oats, wheat, rye, malt and barley, and several industrial products. Many people have opted for menus without this protein. Some people for being intolerant, while others follows a diet.

The called Celiac disease is one of the reasons that lead people not to consume gluten. Thus, what is it? It is an inflammatory autoimmune disorder of the small intestine. This disorder occurs when the individual is unable to digest gluten. It leads to numerous intestinal problems. Abdominal pain, diarrhea, weight loss and malabsorption are among the symptoms of the disease. The suggestion in this case is to exclude completely foods with gluten.

Nowadays, gluten-free diets are a trendy. What many people do not know is that the reduction of gluten consumption is not the main cause of loss weight, but the fact of not eating processed products rich in carbohydrates such as pasta, pastries and pizzas. To adopt a diet without the help of an expert is risky. So it is important to always consult a nutritionist, he will know the best for each case.

However, if you have an intolerance to gluten or already follow a diet under medical supervision, read five foods used in everyday life that do not have such protein:

Fruits and vegetables

Vegetables and greens are great choices to enhance a menu and help to maintain the body. Fruits also have their functions. The regular intake of apple, for example, may help to prevent respiratory diseases, due to the high flavonoid content found in it. Pectin, main fiber present in apple helps to reduce cardiovascular disease. Since the banana is energetic and its potassium prevents painful cramps.


Products made with rice are good replacements for wheat and other foods that have gluten in their composition. Rice flour can be used in cakes and pastries. Crackers and pasta are also among them.

Corn, cornstarch and corn flour

These foods also are in the list of gluten-free. Dishes like hominy (Brazilian rice pudding) and pamonha (Brazilian corn cake, known as Humitas in Argentina) are allowed, since they are based on corn for its preparation. Cornstarch, also known as corn flour, may replace oats and wheat. The corn meal flour prepares polenta (traditional Italian cooked corn meal) and delicious cake, as well.


Photo: Alessandra Haro