Many people believe that the yoga practice may only be performed in a studio or accompanied by a professional alongside. However, do you know that you can practice it anywhere? That is right, no need to be in a room filled with different people. Just have a suitable environment that transmits the peace you need for all postures. Anyway, Yoga works both physical and mental aspects, which is why the method is one of the most popular when it refers to quality of life.

Thinking of helping you, NAMU courses listed a number of options for you to practice yoga in a peaceful and happy.way. Check it:

Online courses

Lack of time and money is one of the main obstacles to leave what you like aside. The rush of everyday life makes people come home late and do not deem the luxury of enjoying a leisure time. Even at weekends, when all the household chores are accumulated.

For those who have a busy life, the ideal is to invest in online courses. Besides being cheaper than the school monthly fees, they can be watched in a place and time of your preference. Look for the ideal Yoga course, search a reliable website and practice a lot. With a regular practice, you will notice the difference and the numerous benefits that Yoga may provide.

Yoga at home

Once having subscribed to the online course, you are free to learn anywhere. If you choose to practice yoga at home, keep in mind that you need to follow certain guidelines. So, prepare the mat and wear comfortable clothes, in order to ensure the desired result with the practice. If you want to activate a chakra during class, wear clothes with the chakra selected color.

Choose a specific place at home that you think is special. You may leave it more cozy and conducive to the practice. If you want to get closer to nature, use plants to decorate the place. Another tip is to choose the place which has the lighting you want, either lighter or half-light.

You can also use incense and aromatic herbs to leave the space lighter and fragrant. They help to relax your body and mind. If you like to listen to a good song, even during class, choose melodies that help in concentration and evolution of your state of mind.

At work

Contrarily to what many people think, you may practice yoga at work. Moreover, you do not need to get up from your desk. Long hours sitting bring many harms to the health, hence the importance of exercise. Poor posture contributes to backache, circulation problems and weight gain. So, always try to perform an asana and feel its benefits throughout the day. Retroflexion, urdhva baddhanguliyasana and bharadvajasana are great options. In addition, meditating at lunch is a good alternative as well, as it helps in relieving stress and improving the work performance.

In the park

If you do not like to run or practice some kind of sport, you may practice Yoga in the park. Usually groups come together to practice it outdoors. However, if you prefer to be alone, take your tablet or mobile phone and watch your classes in a more peaceful and reserved place. The indicated is that you feel comfortable and enjoy all the time devoted to the practice.

On the trip

If you’re going to travel and do not want to be without Yoga, check in advance the place which will be booked. You can practice it in a hotel room, in a friend´s house or even on the beach. It is only necessary to organize and take the necessary accessories with you.

If you want to have greater contact with nature, without much disturbance, choose to go to a site or a camping in the mountains. You may be surprised by the energy and balance that you will find.

It is important to remember that, to have a better result, you need to choose where to practice and with whom very well. The atmosphere is essential for physical, mental and spiritual development.

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Photo: FootMassagez / Flickr