Everyone knows that exercise is good for the body and mind. Many people, however, claim to have no time or money to dedicate to physical activity, without taking into account that some activities are free and can be done at home.

Yoga, for example, is a great activity to practice in the comfort of your home. Thinking about it, we chose five easy and practical yoga postures to make at home. Thus, you can keep the balance between body and mind, especially in more stressful and exhaustive days. Check them out!

Forward bending

This is an excellent exercise to improve concentration, muscle stretching and to work the breathing control. The posture is very simple to do:

  • Standing up, spread your legs towards the shoulders and keep your knees slightly bent.
  • Move your torso towards the floor.
  • With your elbows at 90 degrees, involve your hands around your heels.
  • Hold for 15 seconds by controlling the breath.
  • Comes back upright.

Balancing table

A great exercise to work the motor coordination and balance. It strengthens the core region, located in the abdominal and lower back areas. It is also an exercise easy to perform and you will need a tatami or an exercise mat for support.

  • Hold on the floor, knees and hands, which should be wide open.
  • Your arms should be straight and towards your shoulders.
  • You should now take off the floor one hand and the opposite leg (for example, if you take off the right hand, lift the left leg).
  • Arms and legs should be stretched to the maximum.
  • Repeat the movement at alternately times to exercise all members.


This posture is well known, especially by those who practice gym or Pilates. It is very similar to the previous one and also strengthens the core region and provides strength to the body. It is very important to focus to keep a good breath.

  • Hold on the floor, knees and hands, which should be open.
  • Now, only the hands and toes should touch the floor.
  • The rest of the body should remain straight.
  • Inspiration should be deep and exhalation should be through the mouth.

Staring at the floor

Surely, you must have seen this posture in a poster or yoga classes advertising, since it is quite popular. This is a great movement for those with shortening body rear. The exercise also works the chest and shoulders flexibility.

  • Feet and hands should be on the floor.
  • The body should be in the shape of a triangle.
  • The hip is the apex of this triangle.
  • The knees should be semi-bent
  • Push the floor with your hands, tipping up the buttocks as much as possible.

Lying twist

This is a very relaxing posture, which helps the body to stretch as a whole. You can do it in a very busy day to relieve the muscles of possible tensions.

  • Lying on your back, on a mat, lift your legs up the body and bind them together.
  • They should make a 90o angle with the torso.
  • Now, the knees should be in a 90o position.
  • Pull the air deeply and as you exhale, turn your legs bent to one side, keeping the torso in the same place, as much as possible.
  • Breathe 20 times and take the legs to the other side.

The arms should be straight and supported next to the body to help in fixing the trunk during the movement. This is among the most practical Yoga postures.

To learn more about other Yoga postures know the Vinyasa Yoga course and the chakras. In addition to teaching movements that help to have more flexibility, the chakras concepts and their colors will be worked out, which will help you to harmonize the physical, mental and emotional body parts.